Howard Shapiro is one of the most thoughtful, knowledgeable and professional people in the Real Estate and Development industry. He’s got all the passion and dedication on what he is doing, without doubt he is one of the “go to” people in the Real Property Development industry for his knowledge of the market, his understanding of the issues,expertise and his thorough execution. I have enjoyed all of our encounters and recommend him very highly
Jose Ricardo Ciliberto, JD LLM
Rarely do you fine the combination of decades of advanced and experienced educational and financial real estate knowledge and practical real estate experience and in the same person. Howard Shapiro is that person. He is a man of high integrity, has excellent communication skills and I recommend him highly as a consultant or expert witness in any real estate related issue. I would be pleased to receive a call from anyone considering Howard’s services.
Ed McMullen Sr., Senior Partner, McMullen Development LLC
I have had the privilege of representing Howard Shapiro for several years, and can assure you that he is a deeply knowledgeable and sophisticated real estate developer. Howard also is a pleasure to work with.
Jonathan L. Awner, Esq., Akerman Senterfitt
Howard’s testimony at deposition and trial was clear and easy to follow. Despite a relentless cross, he remained cool, calm, and clearly in control of the facts and issues -the only one rattled was opposing counsel. I only wish that all my witnesses were as well prepared and well spoken.
Deborah Green, Esq., Founder, The Green Law Firm, Plantation, Florida
As a student at the University of Miami School of Law, and further as a practicing attorney, I have had the honor and privilege of associating with Howard Shapiro from both an academia and professional standpoint. As such, I can attest to Howard’s consummate professionalism and his unparalleled knowledge and experience with regard to every aspect of real estate development. In addition to his impressive professional background, Howard is also a person of great moral character and integrity, and he holds my highest respect and admiration.
Alejandro Arias, Esq.
Howard Shapiro is an excellent expert witness. His background and experience may be unmatched – from successful developer to admirable work in academia teaching others and his temperament is perfect for this important role in the judicial process.
Michael T. Moore, Esq.
Moore & Co.
I have worked with Howard Shapiro on varied projects over the period of our long and mutually beneficial friendship. Howard is a person of integrity, who is both thoughtful and creative in his work. He has decades of experience with complex real estate projects. Howard is insightful, easy to get along with a successful team player.
Douglas K. Bischoff, Associate Dean
Director, Graduate Program in Real Property Development
I have been a practicing real estate and banking attorney in Miami for 39 years and known Howard almost that long. So speaking from many years of both personal and professional experience, I am pleased to acknowledge Howard’s integrity and sophistication as a real estate developer and financier, as well as the knowledge which he effectively communicates as an expert witness.
Richard M. Zelman, Esq.
I could not more resoundingly recommend Howard Shapiro than to say he is among the most-knowledgeable real estate developers I’ve ever known. I hold him in the highest regard, and I hope that fact comes through in this recommendation.
John P. Rutledge
Managing Attorney
I have worked with Howard Shapiro for over a decade. Howard is very knowledgeable, and has a history in real estate development that is hard to match. He has a lifetime of experience managing virtually every aspect of a real estate deal, including development, redevelopment and sales of over 8,000 units during his career. Howard can talk intelligently about most issues concerning real property and I highly recommend him.
Carlos J. Bonilla, Esq.
Executive Law Group, P
I have known Howard Shapiro for almost 20 years, not only on a personal basis, but as a fellow Adjunct Faculty Member at University of Miami Law School and as a client involved in complex development projects. I heartily endorse Howard for his professionalism, experience and expertise.
William Sklar, Esq.
Of Counsel at Akerman Senterfitt P.A.
Miami, Florida
I’ve had the privilege and pleasure of knowing and working with and for Howard for approximately 25 years. He is known as a “developer’s developer” and I concur in that assessment. I would not hesitate to utilize his services as an expert witness at anytime and anyplace.
Clifford Schulman
Weiss SerotaHelfmanPastoriza Cole &Boniske, P.L.
I am a founding principal of the Law Offices of Becker & Poliakoff, P.A. and taught Condominium Law and Practice for over 20 years at Nova Southeastern School of Law. I have known Howard Shapiro socially and professionally for over 20 years. Howard’s knowledge and experience in the design, development and marketing of large scale condominiums was a valuable resource to me in both my writings and teaching. Howard was often a guest lecturer to my Condominium Law class. He is an individual of the highest moral character; someone whom I highly recommend.
Gary A. Poliakoff
Attorney at Law
Becker & Poliakoff